how to make money with website or blog

Making money from your website isn’t a myth. It’s doable by anyone.
In fact – turning a part-time, hobby blog into an income-generating asset is fairly common with a bit of luck and some hard work.
At the very least, you should be able to make enough to cover your basic expenses for a domain and hosting. You might even be able to replace your income (and then earn some more).
Keep in mind that the strategies listed below range from easy and passive, to the ones which require a TON of on-going work (so make sure you pick something that suits your site and lifestyle preferences).
There are 33 total tips in this guide, but let’s start with the ten most popular (and predictable) site monetization tips.
P.S. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve started a blog or created a website. It works for both. If you don’t have a blog or website, use the step-by-step guides below to create one:

10 Most Common Ways to Make Money with Your Website

Making money from your website isn’t easy. These ten tips are probably your best bet to get started.

1. Affiliate Marketing (.. and affiliate links)

Affiliate marketing (Method 1)
Examples of a successful affiliate site:

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular (not to mention quickest) ways to make money from your website or blog.
Start by finding a product you like and would recommend. Then on your website, you endorse the product and promote it to your website visitors and email subscribers. If the product or service resonates with these people, they’ll click on your affiliate linkpurchasing the product (while you get a split of the sale price).
The commission might be anywhere from 30% of the product or service price, up to as high as 70%. For example, if the split is 50% and you promote an e-book that costs $100, you’ll get $50 for simply referring the buyer. Pretty sweet deal, huh?!
Where can I find products to promote?
  • Commission junction – offers reliable products with on-time payments.
  • ShareASale – mostly clothes, accessories, and other offline goods.
  • Clickbank – high percentage payouts, but there’s a lack of GOOD products to promote.

2. Pay Per Click Advertising (Google Adsense)

Google Advertising (method 2)
Example of a successful Google Adsense site:

AdWords are the advertisements that show up on the top of Google search result pages.
AdSense is the reverse, allowing publishers (which includes bloggers and other website owners like yourself) to tap into Google’s immense advertising network so that other advertisers can run ads on their website.
The best part about this system is how simple everything is.
Once you sign up, Google will place a simple code on your website that will identify the content of your site and start displaying relevant advertisements. For example, if your site is about pets (dogs & cats), Google AdSense will start showing your visitors ads for cat food, dog training and more.
You get paid each time someone clicks on the ad. (Yes, it’s really that easy!)
Your cut might be anywhere from $0.50 to $5 per click. When your site has enough traffic, you can make hundreds (if not thousands of dollars) each month.
How to apply for Google Adsense?
  • Apply for AdSense – Before applying, make sure you keep up with their latest Terms Of Service. Google has very strict rules, so it’s hard to get (and stay) approved.

3. Sell Ad Space

InSelling ad space (method 3)corporating Google’s AdSense on your website is just one way to make money from online advertisements.
Another is to simply sell your own ad space directly to companies looking to sponsor different blogs. You can come up with a price for each space, for example: “Sidebar banner ads will cost $xxx per month”.
You can get paid depending on how many visitors you get. Typically it’s quoted as a dollar amount per one thousand impressions (or CPM). You might see it as: $5 CPM. If the website gets 100,000 visits a month, that ad price translates into $500 bucks.
The good thing about this approach is that if your site gets a ton of traffic from different sources, your simple banner ad pricing can go up to as high as $5000 per month! The obvious downside is that if your site doesn’t get a lot of traffic, you can’t expect to earn much either.
The other common method when selling ad space directly from your website is a simple direct price. You simply name a price (based on what you think it’s worth, relative to what the competition might be charging), and get paid upfront at the beginning of each month. This pricing is also generally a simple flat fee, not tied to a Cost Per Click like AdSense.
Where can I let others know that my website is selling ad space?
  • BuySellAds – The most popular environment to let everybody know you’re selling ad space.

4. Sell Your Own Digital Product (Ebook for Example)

Selling digital product (method 4)You have the potential to make the most money on a per sale basis when you can sell your own directly.
That’s because there’s no middle-man or person in between you and the buyer that’s taking a ‘cut’ from the money earned.
This approach seems fairly straightforward because you can simply sell these products directly through your website and get paid immediately. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple in reality.
Creating good products that are well made and polished require a ton of time and additional resources (like design, content, etc.). There’s a lot of ‘hidden costs’ in both time spent and the contractors to collaborate with. Selling your own products on your site also brings up problematic issues like payment gateways (how are you going to collect payment?), shipping (how are you going to mail or distribute the products?) and taxes (oh man, don’t even get me started with that one!).
If it doesn’t sound like enough work already, you’ll also need a well designed, persuasive landing page to make sure your product has a strong conversion rate.
Additional resources:

5. Accept Donations from visitors

Accept donations (method 5)If you don’t have a ton of monthly visits, but you do have a strong, engaged community? Simply ask your readers to donate!
Accepting one-off donations isn’t a fast road to wealth, but it can help you cover expenses in the short-term if people like what you have to say and want to support your journey.
For example, PayPal offers little donation buttons that only take about ten minutes to add to your website, offering you a quick way to recoup what you might be spending on a good web hosting, new product creation, research, and all of the other costs to maintain a healthy, active blog.
For example, makes a lot of money from donations (most likely due to their millions of visitors per month).
How to set up donation buttons?

6. Accept sponsored posts & articles (…but use nofollow tag)

Sponsored posts and articles (method 6)One of the common ways to make more money from your website means getting those visitor numbers UP.
Once you’ve done the hard work of building steady traffic to your sitewith an engaged community, there are a few different ways to monetize your hard work.
For example, many companies go out of their way to look for blogs that will feature their sponsored content. ‘Native advertising‘ like this works well because it lines up with your site’s primary content and it comes across as relevant and transparent.
You can also review the products from a company in an ‘advertorial’ that’s part content, part advertisement. For example, if your website is all about the latest iOS games for iPhones and iPads, the creator of one of those ads would LOVE to have you review and feature their app to your fans.
When done right, this can create a win/win scenario. However – done poorly, with irrelevant or inauthentic site content, it can erode all of the reader’s goodwill you’ve worked so hard to create in the first place.
For further reading:

7. Generate ‘leads’ for other companies

Get leads to other companies (method 7)Businesses thrive on new leads coming in their door to inquire about their products or services.
It’s no surprise that they’re always on the lookout, searching for creative ways to find new sources of leads to help them grow.
For example:
Let’s say you have a website about teaching math skills. Your reader’s information (like their email address or phone number) would be of great value to different online schools who’re looking to sell their courses to eager, proactive students.
Basically, you’re connecting the dots; playing the matchmaker by introducing two parties who can benefit one another. While it’s similar to how affiliate marketing works, in this case, it doesn’t actually matter if your reader ends up purchasing their product or not. They’re just looking for an introduction at this point.
Where can I find such offers?

8. Build an ‘Email List’

Build an email list (method 8)Spend any amount of time reading blog growth tips, and you’re sure to come across people saying “the money’s in the list“.
They’re referring to your email list, which comprises your most loyal readers. The objective is to convert as many strangers who visit your site for the first time into passionate followers who want to stay up-to-date on your latest work or content.
Admittedly this is a long term strategy (and you definitely won’t get rich overnight). But it’s one of the best, long-term methods to profitably growing your blog into a full-fledged, money making enterprise.
Never lose sight of creating relationships with your followers. Offering great information or free help is a perfect way to start. Spamming people with unsolicited offers is one of the fastest ways to abuse reader’s trust and sabotage your long-term goals.
How does it EXACTLY work?

9. Set up an e-commerce site (hard work is required)

Set up an ecommerce site (method 9)Websites don’t just have to be about content. They can be centered around tools or products on an online store.
Be forewarned:
There are literally hundreds of thousands of eCommerce websites or online stores. Make sure that yours is filling a unique niche, with a detailed strategy and the latest marketing techniques to stand out from the crowd.
How do I create a successful online store/shop?

10. Flip Your Websites (Create -> Sell -> Reinvest)

Sell your website (method 10)Believe it or not, there’s almost always a market out there for your website.
That means if you’ve built up a following  (or possibly even sold a few products or included advertising on your site), you might be able to sell it to someone else and make a quick buck.
To be honest, I typically don’t suggest people to plan on flipping their website or blog (I’m a bigger fan of creating something for the long term).
You can’t deny how lucrative it can be. For example, if your website is making $500 per/month through selling ad space, you might be able to sell the site for $5,000 – $10,000 (which is about 12x – 22x monthly income).sellwebsite
Another interesting option is to sell ready-made sites, These are MUCH cheaper, but there’s still some money to be made.
Where can I sell my site?
By now we have counted down some of the most popular ways to earn money from your website.
Yet, we’re still only just scratching the surface.
Below are another 23 ways to make money with your website.
(Keep in mind that some of them are slightly connected with the ones above yet they are little ‘out of the box’.)

Another 23 ways to monetize your website

23-ways-to-make-money-with-your-website11. Sell text-link ads (NOT RECOMMENDED) – There’s still a demand for text-links ads (believe it or not). But please keep in mind that these violate Google’s Terms of Service (which means you run the risk of getting penalized).
To avoid it, simply keep the ‘nofollow‘.
12. Set up “infolinks” – Infolinks are a great alternative to AdSense advertisements, that are very easy to setup. The downside is that they aren’t high in converting, and the payouts (on a per click basis) are also quite small.
13. Use monetization widgets – These are also very similar to Google Adsense, so they’re worth trying out as an alternative.
14. Set up RSS feed ads. – Exactly what they sound like. Ad space for sale in-line with content from an RSS feed.
15. Give away premium content for extra $$$ – If you are producing mind-blowing, awesome content that visitors can’t get enough of… you can always try asking them to pay for some of it! (Crazy concept, huh?!) I’m personally fine with paying for premium content. Bear in mind – don’t ask people to pay right away. Instead, stay focused on growing an audience and visitors first.
16. Start a private forum or coaching class(es) – Most of us have unique skills that others can benefit from. Setting up a simple forum or classes is an easy way to help others and generate recurring income at the same time.
17. Create a job board – Setting up a job board on your website is another simple, easy way to collect additional money when people are accepting different job offers from various companies or individuals.
18. Offer consulting – Offering consulting gigs and providing services can help you bring in decent sums of money while other forms of ‘passive’ revenue take a little time to build up. You can offer these services via email, forum or even Skype.
19. Add “hire me” page on your website – Your new website or blog is also a perfect place to feature your freelancing services. Showcasing samples or evidence of past work will help greatly increase your chances of getting hired.
20. Sell or rent internal pages – These aren’t very common, but you might be surprised at what people would be willing to rent or spend money on!
21. Display pop-ups advertisements – Pop-ups can be extremely annoying. However, they’re also another easy way to make some quick money.
22. Use content lockers – ‘Content locking’ is similar to hiding or protecting pieces of content until a visitor takes some action to redeem it. For example, maybe you want them to pay a small amount, or perhaps click on an advertisement.
23. Display audio ads – These are relatively new and are becoming increasingly more common. Personally, I haven’t tried it. But I have read some articles and it definitely looks promising.
24. Sell an e-book – This one is a no-brainer. Many people sell e-books through their site. Some examples: If you have a website about recipes and cooking, you can easily create and sell your own recipe book. The same applies to almost every niche.
25. Create a conference around your website – Lots of work but a huge potential payoff as well.
26. Set up a teaching program – Kinda like a cross between selling your own content and offering consulting or services.
27. Host paid webinars – Similar to the last tip, which is largely a mix of consulting through content and a teaching program.
28. Create a membership site – Yet another tier on the ‘info-business’ model that has the added benefit of bringing in recurring revenue.
29. Offer coupons (with affiliate links) – People are eagerly looking for discount & promo codes for everything from clothes to travel vacations. If you can (find and) offer a valid one, you can also get a cut of that revenue too.
30. Host polls on your website – Hard to believe, but easy to do!
31. Offer writing gigs – You can easily make $20 – $30 per 500-word articles writing for other companies or individuals. There’s also a huge potential for fluent speakers of different languages, as many companies want their websites translated by those who speak the native language.
32. Create a paid directory/business page – You charge people for listing or subscribing to the page.
33. Just copy what others are doing – My personal favourite! 😉

P.S. If you wish to use this infographic on your website, feel free to do so.
P.S.S. If you know any other ways to monetize websites, let me know in the comment section. I’ll add it to the list and credit you by putting your name under it.

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        1. I’m currently using Adsense to monetize my website. I’m getting around $200 per month from clicks. Do you think I should try affiliate marketing or BuySellAds to grow the revenue? I created my website around May 2013.

            • Hi Robert/Amanda…
              I should chime in here and clarify robert’s point on wordpress. If you are hosted on, you cannot use ad sense. If you have separate hosting and are running wordpress yourself, then yes.. you can monetize it.
              Good luck!

            • Hello Robert,
              Thank you for your response to Amanda, I was looking for ways to monetize my WordPress site. Are you able to share your best method for doing so on WordPress? Or will the list of options from the article work just aswell. I’m very green as far as e-commerce and I am looking to make a lasting impression with my future clientele and visitors to my site.

          • Yes you heard it right. You cannot monetize free WordPress blogs that you create using This is because on these free WordPress blogs, you cannot add any JavaScript or third party code. Only sites with a Domain that have been setup using can allow adding such code and thus only these latter type of sites can be used to advertise and make money.

          • they must have meant not wordpress the CMS software that you install on your own hosting server.That would allow total freedom.

        2. This is an interesting collection of ways to make money with your website. A good way is to perhaps focus on one or two methods first before scaling it up.

            • Hello, Cindy and Robert. I was just going to ask if I can use more than one method on a blog. But also, I want to ask: I’m torn between Google AdSense and Affliate Marketing. Which one do you folks prefer? Thanks!

              • Robert Mening Verified
                Hi Robbie,
                It depends on your blog/website topic. I’m more into affiliate marketing, I’ve been doing this for years with good success, but Adsense is a great alternative, too. Why not test both? 🙂

        3. Thanks for listing all the possible ways to make money online. I like google Adsense so far, but I’ll try others as well. Thanks for the tips.

        4. I have just built a new site and looking at ways to monitize it, the information you have provided on this page is very useful. I’m sure I will be getting back you soon on this platform to inform you how much I will be making after implementing your suggestions. Thank you once again.

        5. Also you can use in-image ads on your website. It is a form of contextual advertising where your images are matched with related advertisements. It means that an ad is displayed within an image. It creates additional revenue and easy to set up. For example take a look at products page

        6. Hi Robert,
          great guide on how to monetize our websites!
          Selling banners and writing sponsored posts really work for me
          (and freelance writing services).
          Also, I think affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative ways to generate a passive income online.
          However, not every blogger are able to get good money out of it.
          Using the right tools, producing great content, solving your audience needs and problems, choosing relevant products or services to promote are some tips to reach success with affiliate marketing.
          Thanks for sharing!

        7. I like all the info. that was mentioned. Recently, i just got approved from Adsense having ads to my site. I just want to know, what is your strategy to have more visitors that will also click the ads?

        8. Georgette Lee-Magin
          Hi Robert, your article is just spot on! Can’t think of any other ways of monetization (unless spamming can be included, lol). I think for a start before building your own website, one should already have a goal in mind of the general purpose of the site. For an instance, our website is made to promote our web design company; but in exchange, we should also offer valuable content to our audience not only pressuring them to acquire our services or click on profitable ads. Client service before anything else 🙂

        9. What if you’re using AdSense and Commission Junction and still not making much money? I get quite a bit of traffic, but can’t seem to make money off of it, even though my ads are pretty targeted towards my readers.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            You can combine Adsense with Commission Junction, but you main goal should be building trust in your visitors eyes. Otherwise they just don’t click on your ads/affiliate links and you won’t generate much income. Put more effort in your content and I’m more than sure you’ll see an improvement in your earnings.

        10. Great article !
          I created a site a few months ago and for monetization I am currently using AdSense … but am looking at other options.
          For affiliate marketing I have looked at Commission Junction. Also, what do you think about Amazon Associates?
          Thank you,

          • Robert Mening Verified
            I’ve tried Amazon associate/partner program and it’s pretty good. The only downside is that you’ll earn roughly 4% from the products price, but if you are targeting high-end products; such as laptops, cameras – the 4% can add up pretty big amount of money 🙂

            • How do you feel about Wix or Weebly? Every time I have tried WordPress it seems impossible to put together and I’m hoping the much easier to use websites like the ones I mentioned also have some tread.

              • If you want to build something great & flexible go with WordPress. Wix & Weebly are pretty limited when it comes to design and they look somewhat “boring” 🙂 But that’s just my thought.

            • I run a website that concerns itself with aircraft maintenance, and do “How to” videos geared toward what aircraft owners/pilots can do to their aircraft. How would you recommend I get several large parts suppliers to pay commissions on their parts sold on my site?

              • Hi Eric,
                This is interesting niche to be in. Here’s what I would do:
                1) Check if ebay sells those kinds of large parts. If so, you could sign up to their partner program and earn 5% from the sales you make.
                2) Get in touch with aircraft parts suppliers and see if they are interested in new clients/buyers. If they are, simply ask for a commission fee.
                Hope this helps

        11. Hello Robert,
          Thank you for the useful information. I am using Google adsense in my site, but I couldn’t earn anything from them even after optimizing it. I only receives approx 50 page-views per day. Could you refer me some tips that would help me.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            50 page views per day isn’t much, but you could try affiliate marketing to see if it over-performs Adsense.

        12. I appreciate all the good info in your article. I am looking for a good rule of thumb for charging for banner and link ads. My website is the world’s most popular in the field of speech/language pathology, with 6.1 million hits worldwide. The most popular message board on the site has attracted 650 unique visitors from 8 countries, and has 3,000 page views in 5 days. I am sure I can find businesses in the field to advertise, but don’t know how to figure charge and terms. Can you advise or point me to resources that can help? I feel like I am wasting opportunity every day and want to start earning some money through this site, while keeping it free for visitors to use. Thank you.

            • Hi Robert
              I’m currently rebuilding my website after it was hacked and restroyed by spammers.
              I’m planning to offer banner ads and am drafting a media pack and rate card at the moment.
              Would you mind sending me a similar message to the one you sent Pat (above)?

            • I really wish you had posted that advice, because that is the sort of question I always have, and it seems I can’t ever get a good answer for it.

            • I’m facing the same dilemma as Pat…trying to determine what to charge for an ad. Page views range from 150,000 to 300,000 a day. Care to share that email with me, Robert? Thanks!!

        13. Hello Robert,
          I just went through your post on ways of monetizing the website. You have just posted some of the best methods of monetization and I was exactly looking for such methods to monetize my blog because getting approval from Google Adsense is not easy nowadays.
          Thanks for the great post.
          Sabrez Alam

        14. Hi,
          I own a number of sites. 4 of them alone generate about 4 mill pageviews a month between them. But I can’t seem to find any decent ad networks, and make less than $500 a month for all of those beautiful pageviews. Any pointers you can give me?

          • Robert Mening Verified
            4 million pageviews per month is huge 🙂 Congratulations for that.
            Have you tried Adsense or affiliate marketing – they both could work well.

            • Hi! New to this. (sorry for the ‘late’ comment).
              What about pay per view ad? I know they make less but if this guy has 4 mil views that could be an easy way to make some cash?
              Thanks for the article!

          • Try Project Wonderful. If they’ll accept you, their advertisers bid for space on your site based on traffic and views, not clicks. I found they work well as a partner to Adsense.

        15. Right on read, Robert. I am pretty well versed on the majority of methods you provide or touch on… however, the one I want to learn the most about “Content Locking” goes to an inactive link. My independent search isn’t doing much better. Is there something on the serious downside to this monetization method? Can you lead me to something that provides; pros, cons, and/or the how-tos of Content Locking?
          Your information is very interesting. I will be back.

        16. Robert,
          Pat had a great question regarding trying to determine how much to charge for banner ads on her site. Is there any information that you can share on the topic?

        17. I am absolutely thrilled that I found you today! I am a 50 something female that didn’t inherit the techy gene. What I have read so far today makes sense where as many of the others haven’t or they want you to pay for their service. I don’t have a problem with doing that, however the level I am at and circumstances I am not able to do that and have been trying to figure it out on my own without much success. Looking forward to getting to know you!
          Marilyn Foster

        18. Thanks for the post. Very informative for a newbie like me. I was wondering in order to apply as an affiliate for Amazon (or any affiliate for that matter) do they require a certain amount of traffic from you? Should I wait to apply as an affiliate until I build up more traffic or is it OK to go ahead and apply in order to start right away? Thanks!

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Hi Wayne,
            From my experience, it’s pretty easy to get accepted to the Amazon affiliate program. But it’s a bit smarter to sign up once your site has some traffic and content on it.

        19. What are some options for what would be considered adult content? Not porn but may have nudity from a submission post to site? Possibly some profanity?

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Hi Troy,
            Google Adsense doesn’t allow you to show any nude images. So if your blog/website has nude pictures, you won’t be accepted to their advertising network.

            • Thank you for your reply Robert. I have one more question. Does google prioritize (rank) .org websites in comparison to .com and other extensions?

              • Hi Vivek,
                If you are aiming for visitors all over the world, the domain extension doesn’t matter. (.com isn’t more prioritised than .org or .net). They are all equal to each other.

        20. Recently, I have started getting about 3-4000 hits a week. I am a musician/singer and I’m interested in making money on some sort of advertising revenue. I’m branching out into doing weddings, and more parties, and have recently become a notary so I can perform the wedding as well. Any ideas?

          • Robert Mening Verified
            You can always offer different services on your site. I can’t guarantee they’ll be converting well into clients, but it’s a one way to do it. Just add a “services” or “hire me” link at the top of your menu.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            You can, but I suggest you to keep your site not too fuzzy with different ads. Your site trust factor goes down…

        21. Can you also do a pay per click link? Such as, set up a web directory on your site, to where you can place a logo or simply just the website of said subject for directory itself and get paid anytime someone clicks on it? For example, you have a sports directory website and include a link with a logo to MLB. Would you be able to get paid anytime someone clicks on this link? Thank you for your feedback, nice website you have here.

          • You could set up a paid directory. If it’s legitimate and gets some traffic then businesses are okay by paying some money for their listing. I’m not so sure about the click = $ thing, but you could test that out and let me know how it goes 🙂

        22. Mr.MakingUsmile
          Why not sell a website or design a few just for this purpose to sell. Interesting concept. I’m currently using adsense. Good information, easy to read and understand! Thanks!

          • If you know how to build websites with WordPress then why not? Just make sure you built something that your clients would be proud of 😉

        23. Jeramey Lende
          Great post Robert, thank you for all the information. I just recently started my blog and I am looking to drive more traffic as I am building my content. Do you have any advice or recommendations on how to improve my blog?

        24. Hi Robert just starting, and no I’m not as smart as a fifth grader!
          Will let you know how following the directions on your site turns out. All in…going to start with an art blog, and then make a webpage to sell art products does that sound like a sensible plan?

        25. Hi Robert. Thanks for sharing these useful website monetization tips. I followed your tutorial on building websites using wordpress, and I’m thinking of building one. But I live in LIBERIA, a country that doesn’t have credit card system and is not supported by paypal. How I’m I gonna get paid for my ads. I’m a kind of worried.

        26. Hi Robert,
          This is a great article. I like it very much. You have explained everything very clearly. Very helpful, indeed. Thanks !

        27. Each weekly blog post averages anywhere between 2,000-4,000 reads. I’m interested in applying for Google Adsense, but not the savvy when it comes to getting the code on my website. Is it easy enough to do myself?

        28. Great article, I currently have a blog and website that I monetize with Adsense. However, I would really like to increase my revenue so I’m looking for ways to do so that will not violate Google’s TOS. Can you please offer me some insight? The money I make from Adsense used to be 1,000-1300 now it has decreased significantly 600-700 if I’m lucky. I really need help because I am not in a great place with my business, well I’m not where I want to be and doubt, and frustration are almost about to defeat me when I have come so far. Can you email me or reply here with suggestions. Thank you in advance and for your insight. I honestly need it because I do NOT want to throw in the towel.

        29. Hi Robert,
          We have just created a new website and looking for ways to create some revenue. Would like to link up with a suitable supplier to sell items online to our members, can you suggest what commissions we should be able to negotiate from sales of this kind?

          • Very hard to say. Depends on the price of the items you’re going to sell. But I’d say anywhere from 5% to 30% is good 🙂

        30. Albert Lars G. Aggabao
          Thank you for taking time clarifying gray areas I had in mind in creating a website and for the many valuable tips in my journey to embark in tapping this avenue as a possible source of passive income.
          Kudos to you Robert..

        31. Hi Robert,
          I really appreciate the thoughtfulness you put into this list; thanks for the time it took.
          A couple of things; 1.for monetization, I know you can make money legally with other people’s rss feed content on your site; my question is if you create an rss feed for a site that doesn’t have one using something like, can you legally monetize that on your site? Does the content owner have to be in charge of the feed like a normal rss? Most likely I’m guessing.
          2.What are your thoughts on mopub for ad revenue vs google adsense?
          And to Rick above, 4million page views is nothing to sneeze at, congrats on that.

        32. Amazing and professional article. Thank you so much. Two quick questions for you.
          Affiliate Marketing : Imagine this scenario. A user clicks on a affiliate link, they love the product but only purchase it a week later. Do I still get credit for the sale?
          Selling Ad Space : I’ve received interest from an advertiser who likes my site and wants to sell their product on my website. How do I got about deciding how much to charge them? If I earn about 1500$ a month via adsense, I was thinking of asking for 2000$ a month for all the ad spaces on the site. Does that make sense? Any tips?

          • Hi Adrian,
            Affiliate Marketing: Depends on the cookie duration. Some affiliate programs offer 30, some 60 days of cookies. I’d say that you’ll still get credited for the sale unless the buyer users some other affiliate link after he have used yours.
            Ad Space: This makes perfectly sense 🙂

        33. Hi Robert. Thanks for the article!
          I hope you can help me figure out what to do. I have a youtube channel with excel tutorial, it’s doing pretty good however, I’m getting lots and lots of questions and e-mails asking for help with different excel problems.
          I also have a website with some basic information and files to download and use with the youtube videos.
          I don’t want to monetize that website, but I’d like to ask for a donation whenever I solve an excel problem through e-mail. I thought about using a donation button from paypal and pasting it to my e-mails however I read that you can only use that button if you’re a nonprofit, and that’s not my case.
          I also don’t want to use a buy now button cause I don’t want to set a price for my help, I just want people to decide if they want to donate and how much they want to donate.
          Thank you so much for your help.

          • Hi Manuel,
            Yep, you’d need to be nonprofit organization to take donations, but if the amounts aren’t big – let’s say less than $200 monthly then I think you can connect it with your personal PayPal account. You can be creative 🙂 You don’t need to use “Buy Now”.
            Use this instead: “If you liked my content, buy me a beer for $5” – in that way it would look like a donation and not buying something. Hope this helps!

        34. Great read and thanks for publishing! My wife is in the process of starting a website and will need to monetize her site. This will give her a nice jump point to get started!

        35. In reference to suggestion (7) of 10 most popular ways to monetize your website, How do I create a link on a website to lead a person to a university and/or college and receive pay in return? Thank you.

          • Hi Nathan,
            Search for “College affiliate programs” or “University affiliate programs”. Additionally, you could get in touch with the university directly and then ask them if they have an affiliate program. Hope that helps.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Amazon pays roughly 2-4% of each sale. If you’re selling high-end items, I’m sure there some money to be made 🙂

        36. Wow. Thank you for all the time you have taken to provide answers to the many comments here. I have read every one!
          I now have a general question that I hope you can address. My husband recently started a travel story/advice website in his first language, Spanish. He hopes to attract Google AdSense to it, but he understands that it will take time. I have just registered my own English site with SiteGround to offer the same content in English, but I don’t yet have an actual framework/theme for it. I’m not too concerned about that, as I can see that many themes would be suitable. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the details and mechanics of getting this going, however. I don’t want to stumble now if I can do it right, even if it takes a bit longer. My husband’s brother-in-law started his own site a few years ago in Italy and began to make a very lot of money. He then increased his efforts to several more sites, which made him even more money, but then the profits started to fall. My husband and I suspect that he actually decreased his own traffic with the new sites. We would like to have one quality site in 2 languages, which hopefully make money later; but we aren’t greedy and I feel strongly about creating decent content. (If you look at his current site, you will see that the articles are very long. We now realize they have to be shorter going forward!) If you have any advice for us, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!

        37. You can also monetize your traffic with surveys. Our company specializes in this field, and we can implement our iFrame on any site / game / app where users are keen to earn a reward. For example; premium content – pay to read OR complete a survey, or in game items; pay with PayPal OR complete a survey to earn coins.
          Surveys don’t necessarily convert as highly as other offers, but they have the advantage of being nearly endless in supply. You won’t make millions, but couple of dollars for sure 🙂

        38. This is a good list. I want to ask about number 31 which is about writing.
          For 500 words many people are offering 1 or 2 dollars. Expecting up to 30$ per 500 words is not true. Who pays 30$ for 500 words?

          • Robert Mening Verified
            It’s ALL about quality.
            I’ve paid $100 for 500 words – I know people who have paid even more. That’s not a biggie for me if the quality is good. It’s not always about money, it’s about quality 🙂

        39. Some really awesome ways to create money online! For me, freelancing and paid consulting services have worked really well but you have given plenty of solid ideas to grow my business to the next level. I’m definitely going to try creating more products to sell to my clients and grow my business.

        40. Hi, great site, nice read, I have a few sites, my main one is the dog training one, I am on various affiliate platforms such as amazon associates, CJ, Affiliate Window, Max Bounty etc…. and I am ok at organic SEO but still learning, apart from PPC, can you recommend a good paid service to bring visitors to my website, obviously the cheaper the better but it has to deliver visitors.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Hi Terry, thanks.
            My two favourites are SEO & Adwords, but as you might know – they’re not cheap. I’m actually in a middle of writing a new article on ways to generate more free traffic to your website, but in the meantime you could try “Media Buys”. Just google it – it’s basically buying banner space from other relevant sites.

        41. Great ideas!
          Though, please don’t charge a measly $30 for a 500-word article. I would never work for less than .40 cents per word. The bottom of the industry is usually 30 cents per word. 🙂
          A good 500-word article can take hours to write and edit and when combined with skill, don’t undervalue your time.

        42. Jaswinder Kaur
          It is really nice, well crafted and valuable post!
          I spend some time to read it and got some more knowledge to Monetize your blog with different methods, which is more suitable to you.
          I am Using Amazon Affiliate link to Monetize my Ease Bedding Blog Niche and I am quite happy for that. I used to use three years back MaxBounty, which is also good, but don’t use anymore.
          In my opinion, if your blog is not getting too much traffic or in the beginning of your blogging business, Affiliate Marketing is the best to have some sales and make at least some Cash. I don’t like to use Adsense, which makes your site looks bad.
          Thanks for the information!

        43. Hi
          Very helpful and useful information here. Thanks alot!
          I was wondering if it was possible to monetise a blog using these listed methods?

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Absolutely. Doesn’t matter if you have a blog or a website, those methods should work for both 🙂

        44. Currently use Adsense for my website and sponsor articles, but also because my website is an online directory, i make money from website submission. If you have lot of traffic on your website you can make easy money.Social media shouldn’t be ignored, many people make lots of money by tweeting, sharing articles, link on social media and most of them, have created a blog with different packages to buy different social media services.

        45. Robert, how do I actually get banners placed on a website that was developed from a website template? Thanks and Best, Kevin

          • Robert Mening Verified
            I think you’d need to add them manually via HTML file through file editor. I think it’s easier if you set up a website using WordPress, in that way you don’t need to know all the coding language/HTML etc..

          • Robert Mening Verified
            I’m not 100% sure, but give it a go. Mixing monetization methods is fine as long as they don’t start to ‘disturb’ each other.

        46. Thanks Robert!
          Your list of online earning resources are awesome and i used some of them. Its really works; i know. I will try some more which you mentioned here.
          Thanks Again and keep posting such a useful information.

        47. Who do I get money from if I have chosen to put affiliate links on my site; from merchants(brand) or network that provides affiliate link?

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Usually from the network. But in some cases the direct merchant/brand is also the ‘network’ who provides affiliate link.

        48. Hey ROBERT, How long does it takes to monetize blog?
          B’Coz it’s been a week, since i registered my blog with the adsense but no ad’s placed till now.

        49. Darryl with One of a kind by design
          Are there other companies just as good as Adsense that you could recommend? Now a days adsense is becoming harder to get as well as all the new changes that will get your google account slap for.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            I don’t think there are any good alternatives for Adsense. Just make sure your site is decent, gets some traffic & is within their TOS. Hope that helps 🙂

        50. Thanks man really helpful article, btw can u mention a few sites (which don’t display adult content) where I can sell ad spaces from my site? that would be much more helpful.

        51. Robert…Great article!
          I have a question regarding accepting ads on your site/blog. I have a blog that is monetized through affiliate links. I’m over 20k monthly unique visitors, so I’m interested in accepting advertisement banners, but I’m a bit conflicted. If the ads do their job, and attract clicks away from my site, how will that affect the income from my current links? Is it worth it to place advertising on a blog that is already generating affiliate income?

        52. Great insights about affiliate marketing. This is what I need to become a succesfull affiliate marketer. Thanks for sharing.

        53. Nice write up.
          It’s help real good. Am a newbie on this and looking forward to enjoying blogging.
          Is a free blog resellable?

        54. My website doesn’t feature much content so it gets shut down by affiliate marketing sites. The purpose of my site is affiliate marketing through a referral link so there’s not much that I can blog about or talk about to create fresh content. How do I monetize my site without blogging?

          • Blogging is not that difficult to learn and master. Have you heard of Darren Rowse from He has great blogs on getting started and owns an informative YouTube channel.

        55. Robert,
          This is an excellent piece of work – and I love the fact that you were able to re-post it a few years on and show that a lot of these avenues are still relevant.
          I appreciate it depends on the type of site involved and traffic levels, but do you have a preferred order of which monetization techniques to try out for newish sites?
          I’ve got two sites – one focused on personal finance/personal development and the other on resume writing for people in banking. Longer term, the former is likely to be monetized more through info products, while the latter through info products / services. I don’t think either lends themselves to making much on Amazom Affiliates, though I will try. But I’m trying to work out what would be the most “natural” ways to monetize at this time. Thanks.

        56. Hey Robert I’m not on Adsense cause I’m using a free word press account is there any other way I can monetize using the free word press account? I’m a beginner and really don’t know how this stuff works. I need someone to please put me through.

          • Making money from all the 33 ways above for a blog is just a waste of time.
            Take some of the most suitable for your blog. Some internet marketers who generate 6 figures use only a few ways.

        57. Awesome ideas. But it’s definitely quite hard to earn from such sources. The number one thing is your website should attract a lot of traffic. Only then you can hope that you can earn some money out of it.

        58. Any ideas for selling a site that offers services rather than a product.
          The businesses featured on my site provide associated services and each is linked to their Facebook page for detailed information.
          I have centralized the service providers. It’s one-stop shopping.

        59. Lourdes Sicignano
          Hi Robert:
          Great article!
          I am in the process of finishing my website and I plan to Use affiliate program because at the moment I do not have any products of my own to sell.
          Can I publish my website without any products to sell and later add them once they approve me? Do you think that they will approve me if they take a look at my website and see no products? I’m new at this so I would appreciate if you can give me so advice. I would greatly appreciate it.
          Than you in advanced.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            I’d first add some products + content and then approach to the affiliate program managers.
            Hope this helps

        60. Great article especially for people who just started their blogs. Affiliate Marketing and PPC Advertising is the safest/surest way to earn. Selling ad space might only work if your website is already ranking and have decent traffic.
          Keep up the good work and continue writing helpful articles like this!

        61. This list is just what I was looking for! I just recently started a website, but I’m already thinking of ways to try to make money in the future. Right now, however, I’d just like to figure out how to get more traffic (for free!), haha

        62. Hello, Robert.
          I have set up a website 16 months ago and now generate 12,000+ views per day (still growing) but only make ~$100 per month through WordAds via WordPress. I keep reading about Bluehost but am confused for the most part and would I be able to transfer my existing website as it was already created. I feel that I should be able to make at least some sort of income as this feels tiny overall but maybe that is simply how the internet works.
          Hopefully you are still active here!

        63. Julissa Peralta
          Hi Robert!
          Thanks for all the great info you’ve added here. I love idea #32 paid directory/business page. Do you have more information on that subject? I kin of have something in mind, but I have no clue how to get started.
          Regards & Thanks,

        64. I am thinking about starting a blog partially for personal use but ideally as a form of income in the future. I’m so glad I have come across your page it’s made things a lot clearer for me.
          But do the links provided work in other areas of the world? I’m currently in UK so wondering if some of the links would be restricted? For example the links to find affiliated marketing sites.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Hey Donna,
            You can use affiliate links (& affiliate marketing) worldwide. If someone buys through your affiliate link (say from Netherlands), you’ll still get credited for the sale.
            Let me know if that makes sense 🙂

        65. Hi there! I just wanted to drop you a quick comment to say thank you for sharing these ways to monetize your website. I have been working on my blog for quite a while now and my traffic levels are building up nicely. However, it would be nice to earn a regular income from my site. At the moment I’m making very little and I’m sure many bloggers can relate to that.
          So hopefully by implementing some of these ideas, I’ll start to see some income. I’m getting about 200 visitors per day at the moment, do you think it would be worth trying to sell some advertising space?

        66. Thanks for well-done insights .What about a classified ads website ? is it useful for monetizing and how?

        67. Poonji Karthikeyan
          Could you enlighten on the part of receiving money into my bank accounts on selling a service?
          I am into marketing distance education programmes of various universities.

        68. Thank you for all this information. Regarding setting up a membership site. Do you have any additional information on this, or something i can read on how to set it up? Is there a forum or somewhere to get questions answered?
          Thank you again, your website and information has been incredibly helpful!!

        69. good information, i will work on this. i recently built an online store with shopify, bt setting up payment gateways was i failed miserably bt let me hope most of the things u talked about here dont need you to configure payment gateways,,coz am from Uganda and out Infrastructure z not that developed

        70. Rachel Shelley
          Awesome! Love this!!! You’ve given me many good ideas. I’ve been putting together a business plan for my blog (I know, who does that?), but it’s my business and I want it done well. I know I can drive views, but I also wanted to expand. Thank you for sharing, Robert!!

        71. Hi,
          First of all, I say thanks for detailed and clear cut options for monetize.
          But, I’m looking for the best option for adsense alternative. I also searched and tried many alternatives. Some of them are throwing malware links to my site and some are not much fruitful.
          Can you assist me please..? FYI, major of the traffic to my website is from India.

        72. Selling ad spaces and placing affiliate links while honestly reviewing any product is the best and consistent way of earning through a blog/site according to me.

        73. The Curious Explorer
          Your articles are very helpful to me. I indeed set up my own site in 20 mins. But i need to work on the plug-ins, social media and monetization and how to draw traffic strategies and a lot of other stuff for my web infra and analytics. I just want to say thank you.

        74. Annetra Stanczyk
          Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for all of the info and help! This is really helping today, I’m working on learning how to best market my ecommerce store and was drawing a blank LoL but then stumbled across this blog and now have a newly fueled drive and a bunch brand new and different ideas to pursue in my search to monetize my pockets 🙂
          thank you again!
          best regards, Annetra S

        75. Thank you for this article. It really helps a lot, especially knowing about Infolinks after I was rejected by Google Adsense.

        76. All good suggestions. Who could you recommend to determine if a website has the potential to be monetized?

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Hey Joe,
            You can email me and I can have a look 🙂 But in short, every site can be monetized if there’s enough traffic.

        77. Hi Robert,
          I need “consulting” for my website, for which i am willing to pay for, i want some guidance on how i can increase traffic and create revenue streams, if the website has potential or am i better of selling it.
          Would you be able to help or guide me to a place where i can get people who can help.
          Many thanks

        78. Three years later and this is still popping up. Great ideas for those who are having a bit of a block as a website creator trying to go the monetizing route. I’ve always used Google Adsense and have been toying with the idea of doing affiliate marketing. I’ve signed up for click bank and shareasale for almost two years now but never utilize it. I guess I can try it out and see where that goes.

        79. This was really helpful, Thank You SOO MUCH! I have literally been trying to figure all of this out on my own and you put all of it together making actual sense while providing the resources we need to further flourish, I Thank You from the deepest part of my core, you don’t know how much you have helped me and how thankful I am Robert! Thank You!

        80. Hi Robert
          Thanks for this great infographic and the permission to re publish. I will post to my website with an acknowledgement to and hope it brings you some business.

        81. Thanks for a very helpful list here – you suggest offering writing gigs such as translation – any ideas about websites offering such gigs?
          Looking forward to continued prosperity!

        82. Website (with objective content) or personal blog? I know both are different in content, function, appearance, etc. — but will one form of an online presence be more profitable than the other?

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Not really, both have similar potential so best to go with whichever style you’re more comfortable with 🙂

        83. Hi there,
          I am reading your article, trying to get inspiration for my own website, i do genuinly think its a good idea. However due to the power facebook has, i just dont have faith in the internet anymore. Before 1999-2009 i felt it was so big and people would try to use different things, but now i feel that there is a massie vacuum and people are not trying to use anything else, they get sucked into facebook. The website i want to make will mainly compromise of forums so that people can talk about topics but do you feel that this is a feasible idea and that i could monetise it to a point where i dont need to work? It will really help to get your honest opinion on this. I am 30 years old married with one child who is 3, and am trying to stay responsible before following some pipe dream.

          • Robert Mening Verified
            Hi, creating a site that makes enough money to let you quit your job is always going to take lots of hard work. That being said, creating a forum is relatively cheap and if you have the time and passion to put into it then it’s worth giving it a shot in my opinion.

        84. Akshara Malhotra
          Making a profit as a professional blogger is 100% archivable. I’ve been earning for living from blogging and affiliate marketing since 2012. Building a successful but profitable blog takes a lot of time, hard work, and planning the strategies which you’ll work.
          Generating targeted traffic is a must, which you can succeed by the variety of ways The reason for monetization is very manageable to accomplish your purposes in the blogging world; we have to follow monetization and driving traffic strategies, we need to work hard. No matter how many obstacles come in any way, we just need to stick with; then we need determination because it’s not easy to make a successful blog and start getting enough traffic.
          Don’t be scared to try different things, because the Google search algorithms regularly changing and you can’t say; what goes right with one audience or with one social networking site might not work well with another. The better news is that you can still earn enough from your content as it is demonstrated by many bloggers who publish their monthly income report online. You just have to be open to keep changing and testing your current methods till you get succeeded.
          Thanks. You encouraged me to start again and focus more on my current strategies. Keep posting and motivating.

        85. I am about to launch my site which will offer both free and paid contents. Thank you, for your free resources which were very helpful in my entrepreneural journey. Your site is my current favorite, and it has inspired me to put up a site that will provide value, and at the same time, earn at the side while doing what I love–reading. Keep it up.

        86. Wendy Cade Devine
          I can’t even begin to tell you how helpful and exciting this page is to me. I have been here a lot of times in the creation of my website. I have a long way to go but this is incredible. Thank you so much for your great website. I will now go see if you have a donate button and will donate! Thanks!

        87. I am not tech savvy, but I would like to open a website which allows me to sell my art and provide online classes for a fee as well as e-projects. Could you provide suggestions as to how to go about achieving my goals? Domain, hosting, how to obtain a commission from the products I use and would recommend on my workshops? I thank you in advance for any assistance you might be able to provide me and I am grateful for the immense information you already did share here.


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